======== mpd-sima ======== SYNOPSYS -------- ``mpd-sima [--daemon] [--config=conf_file] [--var-dir=var_directory] [--pid=pid_file] [--log=log_file] [--log-level=log_level] [--host=mpd_host] [--mpd_port=mpd_port]`` ``mpd-sima {{-h | --help} --version}`` ``mpd-sima [--config=conf_file] config-test`` ``mpd-sima [--var-dir=var_directory] create-db`` ``mpd-sima […] generate-config`` ``mpd-sima [--var-dir=var_directory] purge-history`` ``mpd-sima bl-view`` ``mpd-sima bl-add-artist [artist]`` ``mpd-sima bl-add-album [album]`` ``mpd-sima bl-add-track [track]`` ``mpd-sima bl-delete id`` ``mpd-sima random [nbtracks]`` DESCRIPTION ----------- This manual page documents briefly the ``mpd-sima`` commands. At start up default configuration is first overridden by user configuration in mpd_sima.cfg (see FILES_) and finally command lines options are honored. For instance you can override default MPD host (localhost) in your configuration file or with ``-S my_mpd_server.local`` option. For default configuration see CONFIGURATION_. See also environment variables special case for MPD host and port in ENVIRONMENT_. OPTIONS ------- The program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes ('-'). A summary of options is included below. ``-h``; ``--help`` Print help and exit. ``--version`` Print version and exit. ``--daemon`` Start as a daemon. Log redirected to :file:`/dev/null`, usually setting ``--log`` and ``--pid`` options in daemon mode are a good idea to monitor/stop the process. ``-p pid_file``; ``--pid=pid_file`` Use the specific file pid_file to store pid to. Default is not to store pid info. ``-l log_file``; ``--log=log_file`` Use the specific file log_file to log messages to. Default is to log to stdout/stderr. ``-v log_level``; ``--log-level=log_level`` Verbosity in [debug,info,warning,error]. Default is to log info messages. ``-c conf_file``; ``--config=conf_file`` Use the specific file conf_file to set up configuration instead of looking for the default user configuration file. Default is to look for :file:`${{XDG_CONFIG_HOME}}/mpd_sima/mpd_sima.cfg`. CLI option overrides any equivalent mentioned in configuration file, ie. launching mpd-sima with ``--port`` CLI option will ignore port setting in configuration file. For more details on configuration file see also `FILES <#files>`__ and `CONFIGURATION <#configuration>`__ sections. ``--var-dir=var_directory`` Use the specific path var_directory to look for (or create) var files (ie. database) instead of looking at the default user data location. Default is to look in :file:`${{XDG_DATA_HOME}}/mpd_sima/`. Concerning :envvar:`XDG_DATA_HOME` see also `FILES section <#files>`__. ``-S mpd_host``; ``--host=mpd_host`` Use the specific host mpd_host as MPD server.mpd_host can be an IP or a fully qualified domain name as long as your system can resolve it. This overrides MPD_HOST environment variable. Default is *localhost*. See also `ENVIRONMENT section <#environment>`__. ``-P mpd_port``; ``--port=mpd_port`` Use the specific port number mpd_port on MPD server. This overrides MPD_PORT environment variable.Default is *6600*. See also `ENVIRONMENT section <#environment>`__ Command arguments ----------------- ``config-test`` Test configuration file and exit. Uses the configuration file specified with ``--config`` or default location. Default is to use $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/mpd_sima/mpd_sima.cfg. config-test tests MPD connection and Tags plugin configuration. ``create-db`` Create the database and exit. Uses folder specified with ``--var-dir`` or default directory. Default is to use :file:`${{XDG_DATA_HOME}}/mpd_sima/` (see `CONFIGURATION section <#configuration>`__ for more). ``generate-config`` Generate a sample configuration file according to the current CLI options and environment variables. The configuration is written on stdout. ``purge-history`` Purge play history in the database and exit. Uses folder specified with ``--var-dir`` or default directory. Default is to use :file:`${{XDG_DATA_HOME}}/mpd_sima/` (see `FILES section <#files>`__ for more). ``bl-view`` View blocklist, useful to get entry IDs to remove with delete command. ``bl-add-artist artist`` Add artist to the blocklist. If artist is not provided, try to get the currently playing artist. ``bl-add-album album`` Add album to the blocklist. If album is not provided, try to get the currently playing album. ``bl-add-track track`` Add track to the blocklist. If track is not provided, try to get the currently playing track. ``bl-delete id`` Remove blocklist entry referenced by its id. Use bloclist view command to get the id. ``random [nbtracks]`` Starts in random mode overriding internal plugin configuration. If `nbtracks` is provided, as many tracks will be queued (defaults to one). ENVIRONMENT ----------- :envvar:`MPD_HOST`, :envvar:`MPD_PORT` mpd-sima will look for MPD_HOST and MPD_PORT to override built-in configuration (set to "localhost:6600"). mpd-sima expects MPD_HOST syntax as documented in mpc manual, cf. :manpage:`mpc(1)`. To use a password, provide a value of the form **password@host**. :envvar:`HTTP_PROXY`, :envvar:`HTTPS_PROXY` mpd-sima honors HTTP_PROXY environment variables. CONFIGURATION ------------- :file:`mpd_sima.cfg` :file:`mpd_sima.cfg` is read if present. Otherwise built-in defaults are used. An example should be provided in the tarball within ``doc/examples/``. On Debian system please look in :file:`/usr/share/doc/mpd-sima`. **DEFAULTS** Default is to look for MPD server at localhost:6600 (or :envvar:`MPD_HOST`/:envvar:`MPD_PORT` env. var. if set). The default plugins will use Last.fm to find similar tracks to queue and fallback to random if nothing if found. The get the defaults as detected by mpd-sima on your system you can run mpd-sima to print the config: ``mpd-sima generate-config`` .. only:: format_man For details about mpd_sima.cfg refer to the manual :manpage:`mpd_sima.cfg(5)` .. only:: format_html For details about mpd_sima.cfg refer to the manual :doc:`mpd_sima.cfg.5` .. include:: files.rst .. include:: seealso.rst .. include:: info.rst