Source code for sima.mpdclient

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2009-2021 kaliko <>
#  This file is part of sima
#  sima is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
#  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#  the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
#  (at your option) any later version.
#  sima is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#  GNU General Public License for more details.
#  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#  along with sima.  If not, see <>.

# standard library import
from difflib import get_close_matches
from functools import wraps
from logging import getLogger
from select import select

# external module
from musicpd import MPDClient, MPDError as PlayerError

# local import
from .lib.meta import Meta, Artist, Album
from .lib.track import Track
from .lib.simastr import SimaStr
from .utils.leven import levenshtein_ratio

# Some decorators
def bl_artist(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        cls = args[0]
        if not cls.database:
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if not result:
            return None
        for art in result.names:
            artist = Artist(name=art, mbid=result.mbid)
            if cls.database.get_bl_artist(artist, add=False):
                cls.log.debug('Artist in blocklist: %s', artist)
                return None
        return result
    return wrapper

def set_artist_mbid(func):
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        cls = args[0]
        result = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if Meta.use_mbid:
            if result and not result.mbid:
                mbid = cls._find_musicbrainz_artistid(result)
                artist = Artist(, mbid=mbid)
                return artist
        return result
    return wrapper

def tracks_wrapper(func):
    """Convert plain track mapping as returned by MPDClient into :py:obj:`sima.lib.track.Track`
    objects. This decorator accepts single track or list of tracks as input.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(ret, dict):
            return Track(**ret)
        return [Track(**t) for t in ret]
    return wrapper
# / decorators

[docs]class MPD(MPDClient): """ Player instance inheriting from MPDClient (python-musicpd). Some methods are overridden to format objects as :py:obj:`sima.lib.track.Track` for instance, other are calling parent class directly through super(). cf. MPD.__getattr__ .. note:: * find methods are looking for exact match of the object provided attributes in MPD music library * search methods are looking for exact match + fuzzy match. """ needed_cmds = ['status', 'stats', 'add', 'find', 'search', 'currentsong', 'ping'] needed_tags = {'Artist', 'Album', 'AlbumArtist', 'Title', 'Track'} needed_mbid_tags = {'MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID'} MPD_supported_tags = {'Artist', 'ArtistSort', 'Album', 'AlbumSort', 'AlbumArtist', 'AlbumArtistSort', 'Title', 'Track', 'Name', 'Genre', 'Date', 'OriginalDate', 'Composer', 'Performer', 'Conductor', 'Work', 'Grouping', 'Disc', 'Label', 'MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_RELEASETRACKID', 'MUSICBRAINZ_WORKID'} database = None def __init__(self, config): super().__init__() self.socket_timeout = 10 self.use_mbid = True self.log = getLogger('sima') self.config = config self._cache = None # ######### Overriding MPDClient ########### def __getattr__(self, cmd): """Wrapper around MPDClient calls for abstract overriding""" track_wrapped = {'currentsong', 'find', 'playlistinfo', } try: if cmd in track_wrapped: return tracks_wrapper(super().__getattr__(cmd)) return super().__getattr__(cmd) except OSError as err: # socket errors raise PlayerError(err) from err
[docs] def disconnect(self): """Overriding explicitly MPDClient.disconnect()""" if self._sock: super().disconnect()
[docs] def connect(self): """Overriding explicitly MPDClient.connect()""" mpd_config = self.config['MPD'] # host, port, password host = mpd_config.get('host') port = mpd_config.get('port') password = mpd_config.get('password', fallback=None) self.disconnect() try: super().connect(host, port) # Catch socket errors except OSError as err: raise PlayerError(f'Could not connect to "{host}:{port}": {err.strerror}' ) from err # Catch all other possible errors # ConnectionError and ProtocolError are always fatal. Others may not # be, but we don't know how to handle them here, so treat them as if # they are instead of ignoring them. except PlayerError as err: raise PlayerError(f'Could not connect to "{host}:{port}": {err}') from err if password: try: self.password(password) except OSError as err: raise PlayerError(f"Could not connect to '{host}': {err}") from err # Controls we have sufficient rights available_cmd = self.commands() for cmd in MPD.needed_cmds: if cmd not in available_cmd: self.disconnect() raise PlayerError(f'Could connect to "{host}", but command "{cmd}" not available') self.tagtypes_clear() for tag in MPD.needed_tags: self.tagtypes_enable(tag) ltt = set(map(str.lower, self.tagtypes())) needed_tags = set(map(str.lower, MPD.needed_tags)) if len(needed_tags & ltt) != len(MPD.needed_tags): self.log.warning('MPD exposes: %s', ltt) self.log.warning('Tags needed: %s', needed_tags) raise PlayerError('Missing mandatory metadata!') for tag in MPD.needed_mbid_tags: self.tagtypes_enable(tag) # Controls use of MusicBrainzIdentifier if self.config.getboolean('sima', 'musicbrainzid'): ltt = set(self.tagtypes()) if len(MPD.needed_mbid_tags & ltt) != len(MPD.needed_mbid_tags): self.log.warning('Use of MusicBrainzIdentifier is set but MPD ' 'is not providing related metadata') self.log.warning('Disabling MusicBrainzIdentifier') self.use_mbid = Meta.use_mbid = False else: self.log.debug('Available metadata: %s', ltt) self.use_mbid = Meta.use_mbid = True else: self.log.warning('Use of MusicBrainzIdentifier disabled!')'Consider using MusicBrainzIdentifier for your music library') self.use_mbid = Meta.use_mbid = False self._reset_cache()
# ######### / Overriding MPDClient ######### def _reset_cache(self): """ Both flushes and instantiates _cache * artists: all artists * nombid_artists: artists with no mbid (set only when self.use_mbid is True) * artist_tracks: caching last artist tracks, used in search_track """ if isinstance(self._cache, dict):'Player: Flushing cache!') else:'Player: Initialising cache!') self._cache = {'artists': frozenset(), 'nombid_artists': frozenset(), 'artist_tracks': {}} self._cache['artists'] = frozenset(filter(None, self.list('artist'))) if self.use_mbid: artists = self.list('artist', "(MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID == '')") self._cache['nombid_artists'] = frozenset(filter(None, artists)) def _skipped_track(self, previous): if (self.state == 'stop' or not hasattr(previous, 'id') or not hasattr(self.current, 'id')): return False return != # pylint: disable=no-member
[docs] def monitor(self): """Monitor player for change Returns a list a events among: * database player media library has changed * playlist playlist modified * options player options changed: repeat mode, etc… * player player state changed: paused, stopped, skip track… * skipped current track skipped """ curr = self.current select_timeout = 5 try: # noidle cmd does not go through __getattr__, need to catch OSError then while True: self.send_idle('database', 'playlist', 'player', 'options') _read, _, _ = select([self], [], [], select_timeout) if _read: # tries to read response ret = self.fetch_idle() if self._skipped_track(curr): ret.append('skipped') if 'database' in ret: self._reset_cache() return ret # Nothing to read, canceling idle self.noidle() except OSError as err: raise PlayerError(err) from err
[docs] def clean(self): """Clean blocking event (idle) and pending commands """ if 'idle' in self._pending: self.noidle() elif self._pending: self.log.warning('pending commands: %s', self._pending)
[docs] def add(self, payload): """Overriding MPD's add method to accept Track objects :param Track,list payload: Either a single track or a list of it """ if isinstance(payload, Track): super().__getattr__('add')(payload.file) elif isinstance(payload, list): self.command_list_ok_begin() map(self.add, payload) self.command_list_end() else: self.log.error('Cannot add %s', payload)
# ######### Properties ##################### @property def current(self): return self.currentsong() @property def playlist(self): """ Override deprecated MPD playlist command """ return self.playlistinfo() @property def playmode(self): plm = {'repeat': None, 'single': None, 'random': None, 'consume': None, } for key, val in self.status().items(): if key in plm: plm.update({key: bool(int(val))}) return plm @property def queue(self): plst = self.playlist curr_position = int(self.current.pos) plst.reverse() return [trk for trk in plst if int(trk.pos) > curr_position] @property def state(self): """Returns (play|stop|pause)""" return str(self.status().get('state')) # ######### / Properties ################### # #### find_tracks ####
[docs] def find_tracks(self, what): """Find tracks for a specific artist or album >>> player.find_tracks(Artist('Nirvana')) >>> player.find_tracks(Album('In Utero', artist=Artist('Nirvana')) :param Artist,Album what: Artist or Album to fetch track from :return: A list of track objects :rtype: list(Track) """ if isinstance(what, Artist): return self._find_art(what) if isinstance(what, Album): return self._find_alb(what) if isinstance(what, str): return self.find_tracks(Artist(name=what)) raise PlayerError('Bad input argument')
def _find_art(self, artist): tracks = set() # artist blocklist if self.database.get_bl_artist(artist, add=False):'Artist in blocklist: %s', artist) return [] if artist.mbid: tracks |= set(self.find('musicbrainz_artistid', artist.mbid)) for name in artist.names: tracks |= set(self.find('artist', name)) # album blocklist albums = {Album(, mbid=trk.musicbrainz_albumid) for trk in tracks} bl_albums = {Album(a.get('album'), mbid=a.get('musicbrainz_album')) for a in self.database.view_bl() if a.get('album')} if albums & bl_albums:'Albums in blocklist for %s: %s', artist, albums & bl_albums) tracks = {trk for trk in tracks if trk.Album not in bl_albums} # track blocklist bl_tracks = {Track(title=t.get('title'), file=t.get('file')) for t in self.database.view_bl() if t.get('title')} if tracks & bl_tracks:'Tracks in blocklist for %s: %s', artist, tracks & bl_tracks) tracks = {trk for trk in tracks if trk not in bl_tracks} return list(tracks) def _find_alb(self, album): if not hasattr(album, 'artist'): raise PlayerError('Album object have no artist attribute') if self.database.get_bl_album(album, add=False):'Album in blocklist: %s', album) return [] albums = [] if album.mbid: filt = f"(MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID == '{album.mbid}')" albums = self.find(filt) # Now look for album with no MusicBrainzIdentifier if not albums and album.Artist.mbid: # Use album artist MBID if possible filt = f"((MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMARTISTID == '{album.Artist.mbid}') AND (album == '{album.name_sz}'))" albums = self.find(filt) if not albums: # Falls back to (album)?artist/album name for artist in album.Artist.names_sz: filt = f"((albumartist == '{artist}') AND (album == '{album.name_sz}'))" albums.extend(self.find(filt)) return albums # #### / find_tracks ## # #### Search Methods ##### def _find_musicbrainz_artistid(self, artist): """Find MusicBrainzArtistID when possible. """ if not self.use_mbid: return None mbids = None for name in artist.names_sz: filt = f'((artist == "{name}") AND (MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID != ""))' mbids = self.list('MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID', filt) if mbids: break if not mbids: return None if len(mbids) > 1: self.log.debug("Got multiple MBID for artist: %r", artist) return None if artist.mbid: if artist.mbid != mbids[0]: self.log('MBID discrepancy, %s found with %s (instead of %s)',, mbids[0], artist.mbid) else: return mbids[0] return None @bl_artist @set_artist_mbid def search_artist(self, artist): """ Search artists based on a fuzzy search in the media library >>> art = Artist(name='the beatles', mbid=<UUID4>) # mbid optional >>> bea = player.search_artist(art) >>> print(bea.names) >>> ['The Beatles', 'Beatles', 'the beatles'] :param Artist artist: Artist to look for in MPD music library :return: Artist object :rtype: Artist """ found = False if artist.mbid: # look for exact search w/ musicbrainz_artistid library = self.list('artist', f"(MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID == '{artist.mbid}')") if library: found = True self.log.trace('Found mbid "%r" in library', artist) # library could fetch several artist name for a single MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID if len(library) > 1: self.log.debug('I got "%s" searching for %r', library, artist) for name in library: if SimaStr( == name and name != self.log.debug('add alias for %s: %s', artist, name) artist.add_alias(name) # Fetches remaining artists for potential match artists = self._cache['nombid_artists'] else: # not using MusicBrainzIDs artists = self._cache['artists'] match = get_close_matches(, artists, 50, 0.73) if not match and not found: return None if len(match) > 1: self.log.debug('found close match for "%s": %s', artist, '/'.join(match)) # First lowercased comparison for close_art in match: # Regular lowered string comparison if == close_art.lower(): artist.add_alias(close_art) found = True if != close_art: self.log.debug('"%s" matches "%s".', close_art, artist) # Does not perform fuzzy matching on short and single word strings # Only lowercased comparison if ' ' not in and len( < 8: self.log.trace('no fuzzy matching for %r', artist) if found: return artist return None # Now perform fuzzy search for fuzz in match: if fuzz in artist.names: # Already found in lower cased comparison continue # SimaStr string __eq__ (not regular string comparison here) if SimaStr( == fuzz: found = True artist.add_alias(fuzz) self.log.debug('"%s" quite probably matches "%s" (SimaStr)', fuzz, artist) if found: if artist.aliases:'Found aliases: %s', '/'.join(artist.names)) return artist return None
[docs] def search_track(self, artist, title): """Fuzzy search of title by an artist """ cache = self._cache.get('artist_tracks').get(artist) # Retrieve all tracks from artist all_tracks = cache or self.find_tracks(artist) if not cache: self._cache['artist_tracks'] = {} # clean up self._cache.get('artist_tracks')[artist] = all_tracks # Get all titles (filter missing titles set to 'None') all_artist_titles = frozenset([tr.title for tr in all_tracks if tr.title is not None]) match = get_close_matches(title, all_artist_titles, 50, 0.78) tracks = [] if not match: return [] for mtitle in match: leven = levenshtein_ratio(title, mtitle) if leven == 1: tracks.extend([t for t in all_tracks if t.title == mtitle]) elif leven >= 0.77: self.log.debug('title: "%s" should match "%s" (lr=%1.3f)', mtitle, title, leven) tracks.extend([t for t in all_tracks if t.title == mtitle]) else: self.log.debug('title: "%s" does not match "%s" (lr=%1.3f)', mtitle, title, leven) return tracks
[docs] def search_albums(self, artist): """Find potential albums for "artist" * Fetch all albums for "AlbumArtist" == artist → falls back to "Artist" == artist when no "AlbumArtist" tag is set * Tries to filter some mutli-artists album For instance an album by Artist_A may have a track by Artist_B. Then looking for albums for Artist_B wrongly returns this album. """ # First, look for all potential albums self.log.debug('Searching album for "%r"', artist) if artist.aliases: self.log.debug('Searching album for %s aliases: "%s"', artist, artist.aliases) albums = set() if self.use_mbid and artist.mbid: mpd_filter = f"((musicbrainz_albumartistid == '{artist.mbid}') AND ( album != ''))" raw_album_id = self.list('musicbrainz_albumid', mpd_filter) for albumid in raw_album_id: mpd_filter = f"((musicbrainz_albumid == '{albumid}') AND ( album != ''))" album_name = self.list('album', mpd_filter) if not album_name: # something odd here continue albums.add(Album(album_name[0],, Artist=artist, mbid=albumid)) for name_sz in artist.names_sz: mpd_filter = f"((albumartist == '{name_sz}') AND ( album != ''))" raw_albums = self.list('album', mpd_filter) for alb in raw_albums: if alb in [ for a in albums]: continue mbid = None if self.use_mbid: _ = Album(alb) mpd_filter = f"((albumartist == '{artist.name_sz}') AND ( album == '{_.name_sz}'))" mbids = self.list('MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID', mpd_filter) if mbids: mbid = mbids[0] albums.add(Album(alb,, Artist=artist, mbid=mbid)) candidates = [] for album in albums: album_trks = self.find_tracks(album) if not album_trks: # find_track result can be empty, blocklist applied continue album_artists = {tr.albumartist for tr in album_trks if tr.albumartist} if album.Artist.names & album_artists: candidates.append(album) continue if self.use_mbid and artist.mbid: if artist.mbid == album_trks[0].musicbrainz_albumartistid: candidates.append(album) continue self.log.debug('Discarding "%s", "%r" not set as musicbrainz_albumartistid', album, album.Artist) continue if 'Various Artists' in album_artists: self.log.debug('Discarding %s ("Various Artists" set)', album) continue if album_artists and not in album_artists: self.log.debug('Discarding "%s", "%s" not set as albumartist', album, album.Artist) continue # Attempt to detect false positive (especially when no # AlbumArtist/MBIDs tag ar set) # Avoid selecting albums where artist is credited for a single # track of the album album_trks = self.find(f"(album == '{album.name_sz}')") arts = [trk.artist for trk in album_trks] # Artists in the album # count artist occurences ratio = arts.count( if ratio >= 0.8: candidates.append(album) else: self.log.debug('"%s" probably not an album of "%s" (ratio=%.2f)', album, artist, ratio) continue return candidates
# #### / Search Methods ### # VIM MODLINE # vim: ai ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 expandtab